Thursday, June 27, 2013

How to build a micro hypervisor

I'm trying to find out how to build a micro hypervisor these days. As to what I know, building a micro hypervisor needs at least 5 parts as follows:

  1. CPU management. This part consists physical CPU (pCPU) management and virtual CPU (vCPU) management. Every pCPU should be initialed first and each CPU of VM needs a structure to management its flags, registers and states.
  2. Memory management. Memory management and isolation protection is another key feature of hypervisor. Hypervisor needs to know which part of physical memory is allocated to separated VM. Some advanced feature such as buddy system and memory ballooning may also be applied in hypervisor. 
  3. Interrupt control and exception handling. This part controls interrupts and exceptions caused in VM. This part mainly handles VMEXIT and inserts interrupts when VMENTER.
  4. Scheduling. This is a feature to support scheduling vCPUs on pCPUs.
  5. Communication. Communication between hypervisor and VM, as well as between VMs, is also another feature supported by hypervisor. Messages transferred between different domains should be handled by each sides. A message queue is used in Xen to support asynchronous communication.
In our test cases, we just need a much more simple hypervisor. We just need CPU management, memory management and interrupt control at first. Switching between different VMs can be supported in later version.

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